Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Why Take Learning Outdoors?

    • Why teach the curriculum outdoors?

    • What does it look like?

    • The value of play

    • The importance of school grounds

    • Webinar: Health and wellbeing through outdoor learning and play

    • Next steps

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    2. Practicalities and Challenges

    • Preparing to teach outdoors

    • Where are you now?

    • Where do you want to be?

    • What practicalities and challenges do you face?

    • Challenge 1: Lack of space

    • Challenge 2: Bad weather

    • Challenge 3: The right equipment

    • Challenge 4: Managing risk

    • Challenge 5: Curriculum delivery

    • Challenge 6: Managing behaviour

    • Challenge 7: Lack of time

    • Challenge 8: Accessibility and inclusion

    • Myth busting

    • Additional resources

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    3. Teaching the Curriculum Outdoors

    • Introducing literacy outdoors

    • Literacy outdoors - Activities

    • Introducing maths and numeracy outdoors

    • Maths outdoors - Activities

    • Introducing science outdoors

    • Science outdoors - Activities

    • Introducing humanities outdoors

    • Humanities outdoors - Activities

    • Webinar: Building a curriculum around outdoor learning

    • Next steps

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    4. The Power of Play

    • Introducing the playtime revolution

    • Putting it into practice

    • Additional resources

    • Next steps

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    5. Climate Change and Biodiversity

    • Introducing climate change and biodiversity in your school grounds

    • Putting it into practice

    • Webinar: Climate change and school grounds

    • Climate ready school grounds

    • Additional resources

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    6. The School Grounds

    • Introducing how to prepare your grounds

    • Seating and gathering spaces

    • Shade and shelter

    • Outdoor storage

    • Increasing biodiversity

    • Additional resources

    • Next steps

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    • Making it last

    • Next steps