Course curriculum

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    • Why teach the curriculum outdoors?

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    Your journey

    • Where are you now?

    • Where do you want to be?

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    Facing challenges

    • Lack of space

    • "Bad" weather

    • The right equipment

    • Managing risk

    • Curriculum delivery

    • Managing behaviour

    • Lack of time

    • Accessiblity and inclusion

    • Myth busting

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    Your grounds

    • Preparing your grounds

    • Seating and gathering spaces

    • Shade and shelter

    • Outdoor storage

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    Literacy outdoors

    • Introducing literacy outdoors

    • Literacy outdoors - Activities

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    Numeracy outdoors

    • Introducing maths and numeracy outdoors

    • Numeracy outdoors - Activities

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    Science outdoors

    • Introducing science outdoors

    • Science outdoors - Activities

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    Humanities outdoors

    • Introducing humanities outdoors

    • Humanities outdoors - Activities

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    Future planning

    • Future planning